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About me

I'm Chun, born and raised in Hong Kong. After A-level when I was 19, I started my 2-year social working associate degree and I realised this course just wasn't for me. After the course, that was back in 2014, I was trying to figure out what was something that I might find interested and it was the outside world. Growing up in Hong Kong has given me privilege to access to many different cultures and I would like to explore more. 


In 2016, I had been teaching new immigrants Cantonese and English for 2 years and it was a Venezuelan family that changed my life. They shared a lot about Hispanic culture with me and that drew my attention to want to explore the world. I started to learn Spanish on my own whilst saving money from my job. ​In 2017 I applied a 1-year Spanish language and Hispanic culture course in Spain. I was glad to have an offer from Chile after the study. I returned to Hong Kong in 2019 and political chaos happened soon after.​ In my pastimes, I like cooking and reading articles about food science. A colleague when I was in Chile told me how he liked ice cream and this inspired me to start the food business. I aspire to be a wholesaler in the industry supplying to restaurants, pubs, bars, hotels and so on.



Whilst working hard doing tests and readings I was very lucky to be given the chance to sell ice cream to public in art galleries of Wimbledon Art Studios and Delta House Studio in Summer 2022 and 2023. The satisfactory results have boosted my confidence to participate Great Taste Awards 2023 for the first time where I submitted 5 entries and was awarded 8 Gold stars. Great Taste Award is the UK's food leading guild found in 1993 and there have been more than 14,000 entries  in the last 5 years submitted from UK and foreign countries. Only 30%ish will be awarded 1 star;11% 2 stars and 1.7% 3 stars. 



1. A bespoke design work for my outdoor freezer (Done in May)
2. Submit another 10 entries to Great Taste Awards 2024 and win 12 Gold Stars up (Done in July)

3. An upgrade for an industrial ice cream maker  (Done in October)

4. Commercial Fridge & Blast Freezer (Done in October)


Goals of 2025:

1. Get a commercial van so that I can cover the whole London for delivery.

2. Submit entries to Great Taste Awards and Great British Food Awards to win 10 Gold Stars up 

3. Start creating ice cream contents on social medias and draw attention in the food industry

4. 3000 followers on Instagram 













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Locally made in South West London using high quality and natural ingredients in my commercial kitchen studio where also handles dairy, soy, nuts, peanuts, gluten, eggs, sulphites and alcohol. Please ask for more details.

We offers 2 new flavours every month. No contract and can cancel anytime


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